La Revanche

The Revenge

Luxembourg | 2004 | 107’ | Comedy
A film by
Andy Bausch
Thierry van Werveke - Sascha Ley - Fernand Fox - André Jung
Nicolas Steil - Paul Thiltges - Tun van Rijswijck

Luxembourg is a small country in the heart of Europe. It’s a multi-cultural society, foreigners representing almost 40% of its population. It’s famous for its forward-thinking social policies and - especially - for its financial services. It used to be known for its steel industry - and it still boasts one of the most important media groups in the world. But it’s certainly not known either for soccer or unemployment.

So this is REVANCHE's recipe: take Luxembourg’s unemployed. Put them in business suits. Encourage them to create an international football club which begins to win all its matches. Into this strange mix, throw in a bunch of international criminals, and a bevy of glamorous Eastern European dream creatures all looking for husbands, fame and fortune.

The result is a delicious humanist fable, a comedy in which love conquers money. The film takes place in the Great Region (Saar-Lor-Lux)…

Prenez les chômeurs de Luxembourg, habillez les de costumes sombres et encouragez les à créer un club de foot international qui commence à gagner tous les matchs. A cet étrange mélange, ajouter quelques criminels internationaux, une poignée de créatures de rêve venues des contrées de l’Est, venues trouver maris, fortune, et renommée…

World Premiere
Production company
Iris Productions - Paul Thiltges Distributions
Paul Thiltges Distributions