Rusty Boys

Luxembourg | 2017 | 107’ | Comedy
A film by
Andy Bausch
Paul Thiltges - Adrien Chef

When the elderly folk don’t behave like their children would prefer, the latter cannot cope at all. They have enough trouble trying to keep their own children in check, and now the old codgers are rattling their cages as well. Fons (70), Lull (82), Nuckes (65) and Jängi (84) have spent their entire lives not letting themselves be bossed around, and they have no intention of putting up with it now. Together, the four gentlemen plan their futures without an old people’s home. Nuckes is the leading force. As an old ’68 protester, he knows how to organize dissent, but all of this is easier said than done!

Wann déi al Herrschaften sech net esou behuelen wéi hir Kanner sech dat virstellen, da sinn déi fatzeg iwwerfuerdert. Si hu scho Schwieregkeete genuch hir eege Kanner an der Gitt ze halen, elo ginn déi Al och nach opsässeg.

De Fons KAYSER (70), de Jean-Louis « Lull » HEMMER (82), den Nicolas « Nuckes » HEINEN (65) an de Jängi JAMINET (84) hunn sech e Liewe laang net erëmkommandéiere gelooss a wëllen sech och elo näischt méi gefale loossen.

Zesumme plangen déi 4 Hären hir Zukunft ouni Altersheim. Den Nuckes ass déi dreiwend Kraaft. Als alen 68er weess hie wéi een de Widerstand organiséiert, mee dat Ganzt ass awer méi einfach gesot wéi gemaach!

World Premiere
Production company
Paul Thiltges Distributions
Paul Thiltges Distributions